I recently received an email from a friend regarding the controversy surrounding Brian McClaren. She is a Native American who has embraced the idea it seems of preaching the whole Gospel. Back when the Charismatice movement came into being and was treated with much of the same contempt that the Emergent Church is receiving, they also claimed to have the full Gospel. This seemed to discredit their fore-runners (conservative mainstream) and caused a division that is only now seeming to find a "closing in". It seems possible that the same divisive rendering could take place with the mainstream Church and the more missional/emergent Church. What is interesting is that once the Charismatic revival and the Pentecostal movement of last century moved off to form their own identity, now there has been an indelible impact on maintream Churches from those movements that has almost completely changed the worship style, mode of dress and many other things, not to mention that Churches and individuals that used to be staunch cessationists are no longer so staunch. Of course, for you thought police, the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements of last century wheren't the only contributors of these changes but they were major influencers.
Anyways, the claim was that they had a Full Gospel now. There are even Churches with that name. Well, this new movement, the Missional/Emergent Church has discovered (nothing new, just not included) the push for preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, not just salvation. Being in a developing country, I can tell you honestly that if you don't focus on the Kingdom and only salvation, you will always leave half of your purpose at home. It is so obcvious that the Kingdom principles are so needed here, not just salvation - both.
Is it an even fuller Gospel with more to be considered? - a hermeneutical spiral maybe... Read this email excerpt from my friend and let me know what you think...
"I got to meet Brian McLaren in Nashville and he is just the coolest down-to-earth guy. An example of how cool he is, he was going to get a certain amount of honorarium for being a higher profile speaker, but he declined and just asked for what everyone else was getting. I was wondering what kind of crazy theology he was touting to be catching all the flak that he's been receiving from mainstream church stuff, but after hearing him speak, I have no idea why. He just preaches the gospel of the Kingdom—a holistic gospel where our actions match what we preach.
It's interesting that Rick Joyner is now speaking that the Gospel of the Kingdom has to be preached before the end will come. For the longest time, it was just the Gospel of salvation—which is necessary, but if we want the church to be the Church, it has to be whole. The hierarchy that's been around has to go and the untouchables will be the ones to touch those who are lost and find them. "
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Missio Dei

"Missio Dei is a Latin term that literally means “Mission of God.” Beyond its literal meaning, however, it is a theological cornerstone in the foundation of Christianity with vast implications for global missions and the role of the church in God’s plan of redemption. Missio Dei is the overarching biblica
l story that clearly reveals our Heavenly Father’s embrace, affirmation and high regard for diversity – the remarkable diversity of ALL human and non-human creation. Within the mystery of God’s Threeness is His Oneness – the diverse interrelated community between God-the-Father, God-the-Son and God-the-Holy-Spirit.
Missio Dei, as a trinitarian theology of mission, serves the Body of Christ as a mutuality model; here the amazing diversity of people is seen as a primary expression of God’s triune existence. In other words, Missio Dei provides us with a theology of world missions that provides a place of belonging, equality and value for all people as divine expressions of the community of God...

Missio Dei, as a trinitarian theology of mission, serves the Body of Christ as a mutuality model; here the amazing diversity of people is seen as a primary expression of God’s triune existence. In other words, Missio Dei provides us with a theology of world missions that provides a place of belonging, equality and value for all people as divine expressions of the community of God...
I am absolutely committed to see this biblical concept - Missio Dei – become part of the everyday vocabulary and understanding of believers everywhere. This conference is the first in a series of national gatherings; pastoral and leadership seminars, symposiums and conferences over the next three years."

I am a firm supporter of this kind of movement even though there seems to be some opposition to this kind of thinking. Please check out www.wiconi.com and take a look at what God is doing through this powerful and groundbreaking ministry. God's role for the First Nation's community of North America in establishing his Kingdom on Earth is unfolding is some unusual and special ways and we have the opportunity at this point in history to esteem what God is doing and participate. Please pray for this ministry as they do face opposition and are on a path of renewal that is propelling much of the Church into new arenas of thought and contention that are re-shaping the Church in fresh and dangerous ways.
"If you have any encouragement for being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing our of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus..." -Paul in Philippians.
No one gets left behind...

Meet Ray Lynch!
One evening before I left London to come to Central Asia, I was able to have dinner with friends at the Manna House in London, where guests can come and stay and pay a reduced fee. Check it out if you are ever through London. mannahouse@spj.om.org. While there that evening, I met Ray Ly
nch, the man in the burgundy sweater. Sporting his New Balance runners and a well worn smile, he shared with us his adventures as he has moved all over the world. He shared that at one point he decided to take the Great Commission to heart and go to all nations of the world to preach the Gospel and that he did. Ray has preached the Gospel in every country of the world, even when new countries were created in the midst of his travels. Now at his age you'd think he be slowing down, but it didn't seem that way. He shared that the most difficult country to access was North Korea but God arranged for him to get in regardless. It seems that when we decide to do something and persevere for the LORD, He seems to fill what we have chosen as long as it fits into his desire to save the world and have the name of Jesus lifted high. As the evening closed out, Ray asked if we could all sing a song together and he led us off into a chorus of a hymn I wish I could remember, but I don't. I do know that the memory of meeting Ray Lynch will never leave my heart, and will always remind me of the calling we each have that was given 2000 years ago. I will also continue buying New Balance shoes. If Nike's can make you jump like Mike then New Balance will make you preach like Ray.

Friday, November 24, 2006
Removing the Curse

Greetings from to you all from Central Asia. I have been here since the first week of November and am really enjoying the people and learning the culture and language. It has taken a long time for me to post a new blog because the connection speed is quite slow in our location. Since arriving I've been able to serve the NGO I'm working with by starting a conversational English class and am also helping out with another program doing athletic activities. I have also started learning the local language and have been able to share a lot about our LORD with my language tutor as she is not a follower of Jesus and seems to have a strong loyalty to her own faith. The people here are definitely hospitable and very community minded but are struggling to make it as they have one of the lowest GDP's in the world and are recovering from the disasterous effects of war. Please pray with me for this nation and for the Church here. She is struggling to find her identity in a post-Soviet Central Asian world. The evidence of the Fall stains many parts of this part of the world but God is doing something special and new.

Tears came to my eyes and my hope was renewed as I read this last statement and then I read on...
"Behold , I am coming soon!" -Jesus
After the promise of Heaven we are told to pray like this, "...Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven..."
Check out this link, "The audacity of hope"
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