Thursday, August 18, 2011

Faith-Rooted (not faith-based) Organizing

An Evening with John Walton and the Genesis One Debate

John Walton, author of
The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate

Hermeneutics is to restrain us not the Text
Bible written for us but not to us
High context vs. Low context
We read the bible as low context readers
We have to see the world the way the text does
There is no scientific revelation in the Bible.
It was their business to figure it out.
There is no ancient word for brain in hebrew
Observation of natural cause and effect does not
remove God from the picture (Ps. 139:13)
Whose science in what era gets to be on top?
God revealed himself through their science.
God created day and used light to differentiate
it from night.
This ultimately creates time or the basis of time.

Create means to bring something into existence.
What does existence mean?

Create occurs 50 times and takes God as
it's subject making it a divine activity.
But it takes a wide variety of objects.

Genesis 1:1 is a literary introduction
to the passage.
Starting point is not lacking matter but order
Darkness and sea are elements of
chaos in ancient world
Tohu = lacking worth or purpose
Egyptian parallel of nonexistent as
 a reference to that which has not
yet been differentiated and assigned
a function yet having potentiality.

Thesis: functional ontology
Cosmic temple

Functional Ontology means existence
is defined by
having a function not by
having a material structure.

Genesis 1 provides an account of functional
                origins not an account of material origins.
Genesis 1 is about god bringing order out of disorder.
Genesis 1 is not about things created
 though it assumes them

The first function is time
The second function was weather
The third function is food

Time-weather-food (discussions at the bus stop)
Genesis 8:22 has all three
discussed after the flood.

Rest is the maim goal of creation:
people may be
climax of six days bit rest
 is the climax of the creation account

When a deity rests it does so in a temple.
The cosmos is his temple and
doesn't begin until
the deity takes up residence in
his temple ( the temple)
(Psalm 132:7-8; 13-14)

Rest is settling into the take up
control of that which has been ordered.

If the 7 days is like a temple
inauguration then
the objects are not necessarily
being made in those seven days.

7 days has nothing to do
with the age of the earth.