My old mentor, George Verwer, would apologize even when he knew the wrong done, was not his doing. I would watch in amazement.
What I learned: Confession is a practice that doesn't always require the correct details to be fruitful and healing. Confession sometimes asks us to absorb incommensurate guilt and in rever
se practice forbearance as a rite of passage into the kind of maturity that invites unsuspecting onlookers to learn from. We don't always know who's looking at our library.
What I need to do: Confess as a lifestyle, not just when the details require me to. Confess when I don't always need to. Absorb shame when it's not always fair. Forbear when I deserve justice. Resist when I want restitution. Trust in the cathartic prayers of the imprecatory Psalms and learn to sleep on it. Don't trust immediate pain and don't follow anxiety's treasure map.
What I need to do: Confess as a lifestyle, not just when the details require me to. Confess when I don't always need to. Absorb shame when it's not always fair. Forbear when I deserve justice. Resist when I want restitution. Trust in the cathartic prayers of the imprecatory Psalms and learn to sleep on it. Don't trust immediate pain and don't follow anxiety's treasure map.