The other task that follows arranging for the book table is to make sure that I have this trademark globe blown up, out of the reach of children, leakless and ready for action as soon as George asks for it. This has been difficult in the past because our previous globe had numerous leaks and would eventually deflate after 30 minutes of speaking. I once had to sneak into the middle of the message, grab the shrunken earth, find a secluded area at the front of the Church and blow it back up and then rush it back right underneath the pulpit in front of nearly 300 people so that George could challenge individuals to come forward to lay their hands on an area of the world that they felt God calling them to. Now we are in business because we have a globe that won't leak, but it is the largest globe that George has ever used, so it can be a bit awkward, especially when he throws it up in the air and almost knocks out an overhead lamp. It is a central aspect to the message and it ends up being something that people will always remember. Please pray with me for this fragile globe and maybe let it remind us of the fragile globe that we are living on today - it needs our prayer and concern as well.
Amen brother! I am standing with you in prayer for the nations...May the Lord's light shine to the ends of the earth! Many blessings to you.