What does it mean to be a best man? Does anyone out there know the history of "the best man" or anything about the bridal party, the maid of honor, throwing the bouqet, etc...? Where did we get our wedding customs from and why do we do them? I kn

ow it was a huge privilege for me to sign as Dan's witness for the legal documents. I guess being a best man means different things to different folks. For me it means a lot since I have been looking forward to being Dan's best man for years now. Dan and I have know each other for four years now. We first met on Dryer 3 at Moody Bible Insitute in August 2002 - almost exactly 4 years ago. I walked into his room as he was organizing his stuff and discovered that he was an aviation major, destined for the dangerous jungles somewhere, but I also found a man whose heart was beating only for Jesus. I knew immediately from our first conversation that God had brought Dan into my life to be my best friend. That may not be completely true but it feels like it now. All I know is that from early on, we connected and have been going strong ever since. He is a great man with a passion for God that I rarely get to spend time with. In our fist month of knowing each other he had already chosen a "little brother" from the projects next to Moody along with me, in fact the boy, "Heavy", that he'd been led to was the cousin of my little brother, "Toof". The next two years were spent chasing down these two yung-uns as we ministered to and loved them through wrestling, eating out, doing Bible studies, taking them to camps, disciplining them and sharing our lives with their families. Our favorite place to get breakfast was "The Original Pancake House" on the Gold Coast in Chicago and our favorite professor who will always have an indelible imprint on our souls, the honest profound, Dr. Rim - all heart! Our favorite past time was to wake up Dan's roommates late in the evening as we always met up after our long days in school to catch up on the what God was teaching us, what our latest escapade was with "the boyz" (Toof and Heavy) or the ever present girl problems. Usually there was some laughs and a "rassle" or two and then we'd lay our day before Go

d and thank him for His love, for the gift of blessing and loving us first and once in awhile, we'd weep before our Savior together for our family, our struggle, our brokenness... I have found that in my visit here with Dan, I have assumed so much in my relationship with him, but they are good assumptions, assumptions that are rooted in a trust that has grown over a long period of time. I like having a best friend, I never had one before I met Dan. When I am around him I feel like we could take on the world and nothing will hold us back - free to worship, pray at any turn and at any moment - there much more to be discovered - the journey continues...
Nice beard man...