Thursday, October 26, 2006

Didn't know that!

After spending two weeks in France at an intensive course on leadership developed by Wycliffe, OM and some other agencies, I met up with a good friend, Benjamin, in Paris. He brought me to this square and turned me around to see...

Notre Dame, I had no idea. It was a massive building and then I remembered the gargoyles.

I had always mused as to the reason that Notre Dame had gargoyles shooting out from the exterior walls.

Benjamin helped me discover the reason. It is because they are fleeing from the inside of the Church in which they don't belong. Huh! Such simplicity!


  1. Hey Nathan. Looking to get in touch with you a bit more personally, have you changed your email address cause I tried already. Maybe you're just busy. Blessings bro, Gareth - Belfast

  2. Two things:

    1.I have a friend who is moving to France in January to be a missionary. I can't wait to go visit her.

    2. I think I learned about the gargoyles when I watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame.I was surprised, too.
