Well, for the Muslim holiday in which they celebrate the belief that God stopped Abraham from killing "Ishmael" after He told him to do so, we were invited to the houses of our friends where we were supposed to eat a lot of food and pray for the house that we were visiting. The tradition goes that each house is supposed to prepare food for guests to come and eat and every house is to welcome anyone who comes to the door even if they don't know them. We could have literally walked into any home and sat and ate for at least a half hour and then prayed for the home. We did this in two homes and thoroughly enjoyed their hospitality. The holiday is a great opportunity to go to their homes and to share the truth of Jesus being the final sacrifice needed for our sin.
I recently watched the film, "Apocalypto", t
he new film by Mel Gibson about the Aztech empire in South America. The riveting scene in the film is when the captured Natives are on top of the sacrifice pyramid getting ready to have their lives ended by being sacrificed. The film does an excellent job of turning your stomach and causing disgust and gratitude at the same time. Disgust for what the sacrifice represented and the confusion that surrounded the scene and gratitude that we don't have to deal with the putridness of believing lies and the death that follows, specifically in sacrificing humans to appease "the gods". In the middle of thinking about this, I began to realize that in not believing in human sacrifice, I am denying my faith. As disgusting as it sounds, human sacrifice is the most important thing to the faith of any Christian. Without it we are lost. So before you detest the practice of human sacrifice in the film, realize that it is the salvation of any follower of Jesus. The only difference is that it only had to happen once, not over and over. God did need to be appeased and He was and it was and is our salvation, the Human sacrifice.

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