I had the privilege of being the photographer for a Christian brother who was graduating from Union Biblical Seminary, probably the best seminary in India right now. Over 100 graduates were being launched out into a country and world that is very different and yet so similar to the world back in North America in which I have been formed and shaped. These future pastors, missionaries, etc... will be ministering in a myriad of ministries, provinces, slums, villages, metropolitan regions, Churches, countries and so many more spheres of influence. Some will be beaten, others may have their lives threatened, still others may go home early for their witness. I was brought to tears as I watched them stroll past me in their dignified robes, realizing the impact that they will have as they launch out into the world that God has placed them, the 10/40, the silk road, world of two countries, filled with a billion each and almost bordering each other with more languages, people and cultures than you could possibly imagine. God is working over here and these are the Saints who are some of the most equipped to serve the beautiful Bride of Asia. What a privilege to be here! 
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