Saturday, July 10, 2010

Was Adam a historical figure? Is Genesis opposed to evolution - short videos to begin the conversation...

The BioLogos Foundation has provided a list of short videos on its site here in order to help people discover how their faith and Science can be reconciled.  This path will require viewing and interpreting Scripture differently than we have historically and traditionally done.  Take a peek at a few of the short comments by noted scholars such as Greg Boyd, N.T. Wright, Peter Enns, Os Guinness and John Walton.  One such interview in the mix done by a noted Old Testament Scholar, Bruce Waltke, actually got him "fired" (though he agreed to resign overnight) from a renowned Reformed Seminary.  He was quickly scooped up by a scholarly community that appreciated his work and influence and will benefit greatly from his scholarship.  Thank you to Peter Enns for his contribution and courage to also be "dismissed" agreeably from another Reformed Seminary for his stance on some foundational issues in Christian belief.

Truth is a direction, a pilgrimage and a relationship, not a destination or a static list of propositions that encapsulate reality within the scope and brevity of human language and capacity for knowing.  Basically humanity is limited for many reasons in the apprehension of the good, right and true and we need all the help we can get, especially when we think that our understanding of the world is right.  We camp out in our nomadic tents of certainty when we should journey ever longingly for the palace of unending intimacy and divine discovery.


  1. These are great videos to begin the conversation. Thanks man!

  2. wow, did u watch all these?!
