Wednesday, November 17, 2010

James K.A. Smith, David Fitch, Scot McKnight, Out of Ur - they're all talking about the New Calvinism. Fair? Balanced? Fundamentalists?

James K.A. Smith brings a balance to the Barna Group's research on the New Calvinism. There seems to be a bit of an imbalance in the findings that the report gives and Dr. Smith seeks to inform us of the pitfalls of some of their findings and methodologies. Speaking from a seat on the faculty of Calvin College in Grand Rapids, a bastion of the Reformed tradition, it seems obvious to hear him out on this issue. The Barna Group's report has been receiving a lot of press especially on blogs like Scot McKnight's. As neither proponent or opponent of the New Calvinism, Jamie Smith's discussion is a helpful corrective that both sobers the report's pundit naysayers and frustrated fans.

Fors Clavigera: Barna Report on the "New Calvinism": "The Barna Group's report, 'Is there a 'Reformed' Movement in American Churches?' seems to be getting a lot more discussion than it deserves ..."

Scott Lamb wrote an article, Young, Restless, Reformed...and So What? , in a similar vein, deconstructing some of the flashy press that the New Calvinism has received from a more sobering Reformed perspective while still giving props to the movement's progress.

Reformed and Reforming offers a smattering of blogs, articles, audio files, etc... regarding the movement from all directions.  There are both positive and negative evaluations included from sources inside and outside the Reformed movement as well as outside of the Christian faith community.  A great collection for further reading to help in the balancing act we are called to ensue.

However we twist this issue, the New Calvinists are here to stay.  They have a lot to offer, both in negative and positive proposals.  When you have this many people coming together, there is going to be a mess and a lot of mistakes made, but a lot of good offered.  One commenter made it clear that the fundamentalist type people have made it into this newly formed identity, and their effect is being felt, but not all share their convictions and so we cannot lump them all together and then qualify them with the title of fundamentalist too easily.  Nonetheless, there are definitely some fundamentalist types who have substantial amounts of power still residing in this movement.  This discussion can be found at David Fitch's blog - Reclaiming the Mission: Is the New Calvinism a New Fundamentalism and on the Out of Ur blog.

Peace in the journey and whether you're Reformed or not I think we need to hear Jamie's clarion call for balance, discernment and clarity.  Though necessary, it can be tough with this crowd at times because as Matt Chandler has said, "I love the Reformed tradition, I just don't like hanging out with its people all the time." (not a direct quote, but paraphrased from a sermon he preached).  

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