Sunday, October 30, 2011

Africa's biblical canon within the canon | The Christian Century

Africa's biblical canon within the canon | The Christian Century

The Books in the Bible that Luther questioned, didn't like and argued for their removal from the Canon end up being the most important to African Christians and theologians.  What this tells us about the Western tradition of Christianity, is that it may not be enough for the rest of the world.  Helpful, yes.  Necessary, sure. Complete and Primary - Not even close!

There are too many gifts that the world of Christian dialogue and indigenous theology have to offer us.  There are so many more insights waiting to be unearthed in Scripture once other nations and cultures around the globe get a strong handle on it.  Their time is coming and ours has quite possibly peaked, if not already begun its decline.  

Paul Heibert explained it best - Theology is like a blueprint and each tradition, era of history, ethnicity, global location and historical-cultural context has something to offer to illuminate the truths of Scripture.  We are not finished with that history, we have not heard the last word and there are too many other nationalities and cultures who need to sit at the table and speak their piece while we listen.  After doing so, we are to incorporate these gifts into the long tradition of God's revelation that began with Abraham and continues still today.  

I honestly just think it's great that African Christians "especially" esteem the books that Luther almost threw out.  What other gifts do they have for the rest of us to discover? I can't wait.

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