When asked by a very smart and moral theologian what I believe and how I can back it up, I said,
“I claim the 5th and ignorance - except that stupid people are really intelligence masked behind the carnival mirror of innocence and the projection screen of Naivetéwood - the place where dreams come true, magic is made and the little man can become the big man only to realize that those dreams and that magic are really just stupid and that “I didn’t know [hm, hm, hm] would be so small” and “being big doesn’t matter” – because “that’s what she said...”
Big pimpin,’
p.s. because what the world needs now is love, loads of it, craploads of it and we think we is dah only ones who can get it, give it and then own it because we is it?.... It is really weird when a human puts the #@$& from a bull in their mouth and then like wants you to ignore the smell and just put a close pin on your nose while they sling their feces of faith on your face and on your clothes - like you wanted to be there to begin with. Somebody hand me a napkin and give that dude a breath mint... oh crap, I was speaking metaphors and forgot to remember that we all need to carry napkins and breath mints, so pick your favorite flavor because you got it for life, just ask your wife and don’t forget to listen to what “she said.”
Remember that it’s not really size of the rudder but the motion in the ocean that gets the boat to the udder side. So when He says "let's go to the other side", He really means, "wake me up when we get there." So I guess we don’t really need “bigger” people – just more people who love big, no matter how big you is. That’s what she said – mother Theresa that is, but she said it because He said it – Jesus that is, oh we of little faith. Some say "Go big or go home," but Jesus says, "go big until I bring you home and don't worry, I ain't really sleepin'."
WWJD – tell you to take the #@&$ out of your mouth, make some fuel for your foreign friends without faces. Feces can actually be useful when it doesn’t come out of my mouth or your mouth – it’s disgusting to picture that but it’s even more disgusting that it’s true, but you're right, I have no right to hate the playa or the game, I just want us to stop playing games. Sorry for the obvious digression – it just helps me to recognize our oblivious oppression and as Jay-z pleads, “Lord, forgive me for my brash delivery, but I remember vividly what these streets did to me, so picture me, let these clowns knitpick at me, paint me like a picaney...” – what’s a pickaney, I don’t know, but I do know that when we all confess and finally take a knee, the top of your head will be level with everybody as well as me, and everybody means everybody – not just eazin'-jello-coal Christianity. Please, quit acting like the referee, it's time to take a knee, look up and see that the only one left standing is the Coach.
written by Nathan (sort of)
“The Best way to waste your life... is by taking notes. The easiest way to avoid living is to just watch. Look for details. Report.. Don’t participate...”
-Chuck Palahniuk
“The neurosis in which the search for safety takes its clearest form is in the compulsive-obsessive neurosis. Compulsive-obsessive to frantically order and stabilize the world so that no unmanageable, unexpected or unfamiliar dangers will ever appear.”
-Abraham Maslow
“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”
-mother Theresa
"Right, birds can fly so high and they can #$%@ on your head, yeah, they can almost fly into your eye and make you feel so scared but when you look at them and you see that they’re beautiful, that’s how I feel about you."
-Kate Nash
“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”
-Carl W. Buechner
“What you perceive, your observations, feelings, interpretations, are all your truth. Your truth is important. Yet it is not the Truth.”
-Linda Ellinor
"What you have done unto the least of these, you have done it unto me!"
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