Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Creation is our Domain, not humanity, time or Deity

“Scratch any of us and you will find we are witch doctors underneath.”

- Dr. Paul Hiebert.

The temptation for man is to control that which we are to submit to, cooperate with, regenerate, mentor and love.

We have the responsibility,

1. to have authority over Creation in order to steward Creation,
2. to cooperate with, mutually submit to, regenerate, mentor and love humanity,
3. to cooperate with and submit to time and
4. to submit to, cooperate with, give worship to and love the Trinity.

This is the order of how worship towards God is to be ordered. We worship Him based upon responsibility, authority, submission, love and cooperation.

Fearful manipulation, bitter jealousy, selfish ambition and hateful anger are the destroyers of this order.

Cain and Abel experienced this dynamic - the first murder was a result of the above list.

The first rebellion was acted out in the context of sinlessness, yet with self-deceit. Our role today knows no such context. Our context knows only sin and selfishness therefore, to sin is natural and to do so requires that we accept that our starting point with worship, responsibility, submission, love, authority and cooperation is to do the exact opposite. Therefore ordering our worship to God according to these categories will allow the alignment of our holistically rebellious hearts back towards what is true, life-giving and founded in Eden though oriented towards the New Creation.

1 comment:

  1. I love that first quote. glad you are blogging again friend!
