Some say there is nothing new under the sun,
How do we deal with the semantics/meanings of these words if there is nothing new. Wouldn't that cause these words to be rendered meaningless. Or is it that whatever is "new" can only be new to my senses, from my situatedness, from my perspective in its inherent limited spector.
I have to believe that the word "new" has a rendering that cannot be contained or exhausted by our intuition, knowledge, educational investments, experience, etc... Nothing is new to God as we understand him, but our ability to apprehend knowledge and awareness of what is true or real will never be exhausted - which requires that our experience of truth has to be new - some of it granted will have been discovered by others long before us but there has to be some room for things that have never been discovered before by human beings - this can be historically substantiated over and over.
For me the approach needs to come through three terms that use the root of "new" in English. This is not an exhaustive explanation conceptually and the limitations of English are always present but here goes...
New - of recent origin, production, purchase, etc.; having but lately come or been brought into being: We use this term to speak of brand new, unusual, fresh or recent aspects of description.
Anew - in a new form or manner: This is where things, ideas, experiences, explanations, etc... are re-discovered in a given context that had not previously had the aspect spoken of in the current context. We can then re-discover anew in a way that brings a new awareness.
Renew - to be restored to a former state; become new or as if new again: this term best represents the process of things becoming new. As there are very few brand new and completely fresh ideas or sources of knowledge, most of our understanding that is new is really a renewed understanding of things that already exist. Many times our new discoveries depend upon the conceptual framework that already exists in our hearts, minds and actions. We discover new things through what we already understand and know generally. Those things may have already been discovered, but there has to be somethings that are unique and new apart from discoveries that are already present in the up-to-date general human consciousness. This can point to the assurance that to God - nothing is new under sun from his perspective but to us, many things will be new under the sun and some of them will be brand new but not necessarily independently new from our former frameworks.
Newness is life - Mercy is new every morning - there is new life - new things will be done and the things of old will be forgotten.
There are many things new under the sun.
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