Thursday, April 29, 2010

The hopeless relationship between Faith and Reason

Reason and Faith are like two betrothed infants - totally unaware of each other in their early development or acutely unaware.  They may sit in the same classroom, play with the same friends and grow up in the same neighborhood but haven't been introduced to each other.  They eventually do grow up become introduced, check each other out and hate each other, have a few fights, and eventually avoid each other at all costs.  A few people try to reconcile them because they see a possible fit, others try to assist them to no end in avoiding each other through maligning, gossip and tearing down the "opponent's" credibility.  Secretly in their hearts, they are heavily attracted to each other and have pining moments of desire and a few fleeting chances to re-connect. 

At present they are living their lives pursuing their passions and secretly (though not so secret to some) they long for each other.  While some are hopeful and working tirelessly to set up environments for them to "encounter" each other, the enemies of their union work tirelessly in the opposite direction.. They demean one or the other in order to install their proponent as the innocent and more discerning member of the pair.  Often enough they cross paths in their vocations, their vacations and their favorite gas stations, and their posture towards each other is at times increasingly favorable, but they still haven't been able to sit down for coffee and just get to know each other. 

I am of the hopeless sort, but not hopelessness of this world, a hopelessness that is from God - hopelessness that is assured by what I believe to be true.  Faith and Reason will meet and actually I believe they will marry, based upon their prior betrothal as well as their coming marriage of love.  I also believe they will bear many children, healthy children who will create a legacy of love, revelation, transformation and beauty.  Love takes time, heritages take time, time to grow up and mature, time to become aware of oneself and of the other, time to interact - to hate, to love and time to make a decision.  Just because one is betrothed to another, that doesn't remove the necessary growth of the organism of love in your and the other's heart.  We have to both be committed and commit to the growth of our commitment, but that commitment requires love, a  love relationship between Faith and Reason.  Are they there yet?  No.  Will they be?  - to that I would say "I am hopeless romantic."

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