Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jesus is Better but what is Best?

In the book of Hebrews there is a recognition of the faith of the Old Testament saints as a really good thing.  Then there is the recognition that our position in Christ "better."  It seems then there is a movement from good to better.  As a result, I've heard it taught that "Jesus is Better" when studying the book of Hebrews.  This is the statement that best describes Hebrews as many have taught.  Yet in Hebrews there is still a tension that projects that more is yet to come that is even better.  So is there a best?  If Jesus is better, then what is best? 

We see aspects of a realized eschatology present in the book and at the same time an unrealized eschatology.  There is an "already not yet" pattern throughout the whole letter.  So to whatever extent Christ's work accomplished better things through his incarnation, death, resurrection and ascension, there are still many things that need to happen in the future according to what has happened.  Is he the only one acting or are there others?  What place does the church have in all of this, a church that he has "sent?"  What about the other members of the Trinity?  So some better things have happened since the coming of Jesus yet some more things are still to happen.  Is it possible that these things might fit into the superlative, the best, aspect of what God is accomplishing in salvation history. 

So if Jesus is better, what is the best?  

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